favourite comic in Faction #1 was Ralphi’s Ricky & Lyle.
a bogan boy
and his best friend, an obnoxious anthropomorphic
cat, the strip followed
their slightly dubious adventures in search of quick money.
Not content
with just being hilarious, Ricky & Lyle was
also elegant, sharp and
Now, a couple of years later Ralphi has just released a Ricky & Lyle mini-comic. On
par with the debut
of the wayward pair,
it possesses
the same wry, understated confidence and comes in
a very tidy package - as part of French publisher
Radio as Paper’s Rapmc series.
a lovely two-colour wrap-around cover is a sixteen page story
that is over
all too soon,
but compensates by providing an
abundance of details that
somehow never crowd the panel and rewards multiple
the heart
of Ricky & Lyle is a
keen sense of liking and compassion
for the characters despite a manifest of shortcomings that should
make them completely unsympathetic.
this is portrayed with an an art
style so
deft and fluid that
it seems as much handwriting as cartooning. To
say Ralphi's comics
are assured is a huge understatement and
it beggars belief that she has only comparatively recently turned her
talents to crafting comics.
These strips are excellent. Whatever you do, find yourself some Ralphi comics now. You won't be disappointed.
Buy Faction 1 here
Buy Radio as Paper's Ricky & Lyle here
Kelly Sheehan
Faction Comics + Earth's End
BONUS: A new Ralphi strip will be appearing in Faction 4!